Tuesday, March 02, 2010

9th Train

Finally got on my 9th train of the day. Took pictures of the train and
took a short break at Maibara to look for the Stamp onwards to Kyoto
now. Missed a special rapid before this train on purpose. Wanted a
relaxed ride and yeah the train is clearly empty because it is a
local. A picture of the last car i intend to ride today shows it's
empty. Really tired. By the time I get to my house it will probably be
exactly 13 hours since i left the hostel in the morning. Just stopped
at Hikone since it is a normal train took the last car on the train
( end bit ). Might want to check which bus gets me homr as quick as
possible really tired. But gotta keep up the vigilance for the ride.
Once i get to Kyoto gotta get the stamp. Won't take pictures of thr
station as most every would have seen other pictures from my other
albums. Took pictures of the platforms. This trip really takes alot
out of me need to work out. Winter really pushed over with the food
and the weather. It's spring so it's time for a new Beginning. Of my
self. It might rain so I wanna get back home quick. Onwards next stop
Kawase still a way to go till Kyoto on a normal train. Next update
later at Kyoto and after bus at home.