Thursday, February 05, 2009

Aikido XD

Yeah I just finally got news where new Aikido Classes are going to be moved to..

good thing it's burwood.. I'm still not sure about driving and all to uni and stuff.

but well It's kinda pissing me off that Uni Gym is being the shit assholes..

but anyhow.. You gotta do lol Aikido is great and all


Finally got a new Truck on

get's my loads done quicker hehe..


Still organizing, my room and all.. will be let's say around 1 week before all my stuff is done.. it will be good..


lol setting up ebay wasn't as easy as I thought. but will work..

hope to get an extra few K's from ebay and save for Japan

Go check out!

it's addictive.

Join my company lol .. look for ariadaioh!